Brawley, S., J. Clark, C. Dixon, L. Ford, L. Grolman, S. Ross and S. Upton. “Applying standards to tertiary-level history: Policy, challenges and the After Standards project”. History Australia 8.3 (2011): 177-194.
A presentation delivered by Sean Brawley at the 2011 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (20-23 October).
The mapping of course Learning Outcomes (LOs), and their alignment with assessment tasks, are crucial ways in which we can demonstrate that our programs meet the History standards - or identify areas that need further development. Thus, LO and…
To provide After Standards with needed information and prepare you and your colleagues for the project, we have created this questionnaire. It will form the basis of a data repository that will assist you in the months ahead, serving both as a…