The After Standards Project
Engaging and Embedding History’s Standards using International Best Practice to Inform Curriculum Renewal
In 2010 the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) released Threshold Learning Outcomes for the discipline of history at the Bachelor's level. In Australia, historians have little experience with a national standards environment - a situation replicated across most of the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
It is the central ambition of the After Standards project to build a “community of practice” through which Australian historians can - systematically, universally, collegially, reflectively and effectively - respond to standards implementation and the resulting opportunities for curriculum renewal.
This project has been generously funded by an ALTC Priority Projects grant. Thirty Australian universities are sending representatives to a workshop to be held in April, 2010, followed by over a year of continuing efforts to engage the new standards.
This website serves as a means of communication for participants in the After Standards project, as well as the principal repository for documents it generates.